Moderators Stephane de Mortillet (Tours, France) and Mario Pelle Ceravolo (Rome, Italy)
1. "Common mistakes in periareolar mastopexy with implants" - Mario Pelle Ceravollo (Rome, Italy) 14 min
2. "RAF - Rotating abdominal flap: a new technique to avoid and treat double contour deformities - Mario Pelle Ceravollo (Rome, Italy) 14 min
4. "Approaches to the tuberous breast" - Stephane de Mortillet (Tours, France) 14 min
5."Breast implant replacement with polyurethane implant and mastopexy" - Tiago Baptista Fernandes (Lisbon, Portugal) 14 min
6."Five years of experience with a new Dual Subfascial Plane method of breast augmentation" - Reuf Karabeg (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) 14 min
7. Discussion 6 min