Moderators: João Guimarães (Portugal) and Sara Cunha (Portugal)
1."Ribeiro mastopexy-reduction offers superior long term projection compared to Mc Kissock technique" - Georgia Spyropoulou (Greece)
2."Clinical safety and efficacy of using intravenous tranexamic acid and using no drains in breast reductions and mastopexies" - Guirgis A. Awad (UK) and Juliet Cheung (UK)
3."Determining the prevalence of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) – a systematic review" - Tom Calderbank (UK)
4."Incidental finding of Fibrin associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (FA-DLBCL) post breast implant removal and capsulectomy in an asymptomatic breast." - Kazem Nassar (UK)
5."Refinement of the superior medial pedicle technique: a new approach to breast reshaping following reduction" - Sara Jasionowska (UK)
6."Current trends in breast reduction- An international analysis" - Charlotte Topka (Germany) 7."Reduction Mammaplasty: A Six-Year Retrospective Review of Wise-Pattern Technique" - Merve Terzi (Portugal)
8."The Ideal Breast - Telemark Breast Score in Evaluation of Results After Reconstructive Breast Surgery" - Anadi Begic (Norway)
9."Thoracic Wall Reconstruction - Clinical Cases" - Catarina Pais Gouveia (Portuagl)
10."Sternal Reconstruction - a soft tissue and hardware challenge" - Artur Nixon Martins (Portugal
11."Our holistic approach in poland syndrom" - Tahir Babahan (Turky)
12."Management of unilateral tuberous breast deformity (TBD) with a congenital melanocytic naevus (CMN) of the lower pole - a case report and review of literature" - Guirgis A. Awad (UK)
13. Discussion 18 min