
Moderators Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo (Rome, Italy)  and Mark Clemens (Houston, USA)

1. Update on BIA-ALCL pathogenesis - M. Atlan (City, Country);                                          2. Epidemiology of BIA-ALCL: casual relationship and level of evidence - D. Panagiotakis (City, Country);                                                                                                                        3. Breast implant registries: an EU overview - DB Lumenta (City, Country)                            4. Management of BIA-ALCL patients: from suspect to diagnose and treatment - Mark Clemens (Houston,USA);                                                                                                      5. Inflammatory based classification of breast implants - Michael Sorotos (City, Italy)          6. Patients at risk of BIA-ALCL: prophylatic management - Fábio Santanelli di Pompeo (Rome, Italy)


Rome, Italy
Fabio Pompeo
Houston, USA
Mark Clemens
M. Atlan
Rome, Italy
Michail Sorotos

Conference Details

  • DATE: 05 Oct. 2022
  • TIME: 15:00 - 16:30
  • WHERE: ROOM D. LUÍS - Breast BIA-ALCL Session
