Message from ESPRAS Congress 2022 President 

Dear Colleagues,

European Society was founded in 1967. At that time, the first European Congress was organised in Brighton – UK, by John Watson with the foundation group of knowledge.

ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress is one of the major prestigious meetings in the world and its reputation comes from the number of participants, as well as the high level of its scientific program, with renowned speakers, Sessions. Round Tables, Workshops and Free papers.

As the 14th ESPRAS Congress host, I do have full commitment with this wonderful and binding event. I do have the dream of bringing the entire European community of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons together, along with friends and colleagues beyond, joined in harmony and scientific knowledge.

Reasons for this aim:

     - ESPRAS…

… increases connections among worldwide PRAS Colleagues and Societies;

… gathers and protects plastic reconstructive and aesthetic field:

… cultivates harmony and friendship;

… gives a clear message for the upcoming new surgeons who will continue to raise plastic reconstructive and aesthetic flag.


Who heard this conceptual call?

Leaders from Societies, Associations and Journals did:

- EURAPS - European Association of Plastic Surgeons

- EBOPRAS – European Board OF Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery

- EBHS - European Board of Hand Surgery

- EASAPS - European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

- EFSM - European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery

- EBA - European Burns Association

- EBJ – European Burn Journal

- FESSH - Federation of European Societies for the Surgery of the Hand

- EWMA - European Wound Management Association

- WSRM - World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery

- ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surger

- ICOPLAST - International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies

- EJPS - European Journal of Plastic Surgery

- JPRAS - Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

- JPSHS - Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery (Scandinavian)

- PRS - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

All these colleagues are generators of knowledge, teaching, training and research within the 14th ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress 2022, and afterwards.

This scientific event is under the auspice of University of Aveiro and Porto, Gaia and Espinho City Halls.

Dear All, I feel great honour and high responsibility, overwhelming joy and cosmic gratitude.


Wishing your presence in Porto/ Gaia, Portugal

Prof. Horácio Costa, MD PhD

ESPRAS General Secretary

Message from the Organizing Committee for the 51st SPCPRE Annual Meeting


Dear colleagues,

The Portuguese Society for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SPCPRE) Annual Meeting is a unique moment for scientific learning and sharing, medical education and get together of colleagues and friends.

In this year of 2022, still under post-COVID effect, we were given the chance of having 2 major international meetings in our country – the EASAPS Meeting (European Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), held in Lisbon on the 31st March-2nd April; and the ESPRAS 2022 Meeting (European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery).

In this peculiar context and also due to the fact that SPCPRE is affiliated with these two international societies, we decided to combine our Annual Meeting with ESPRAS 2022 with all the advantages given. The XLI SPCPRE Annual Meeting will be held in the beautiful Edifício da Alfândega in Porto from 5th to 7th October.

The ESPRAS Congress is one of the most renowned and prestigious international meetings in the field of plastic surgery. The faculty confirmed for our combined event includes more than 200 speakers from various continents with leading experts in the several areas of our specialty. It is prepared to become a real gathering event from the scientific, academic and institutional point of views with confirmed sponsoring and presence of the most important European and International scientific societies. 

The ESPRAS-SPCPRE combined Meeting will surely be an unique event for education, learning, teaching, scientific breakthroughs and innovations but also an opportunity for sharing knowledge and networking in a friendly get together of the plastic surgery community.  

We hope to welcome you in Porto/Gaia with all the portuguese warmness and friendship for what we expect to be an unforgettable journey


Horácio Zenha, MD - SPCPRE Vice-President

Júlio Matias, MD – SPCPRE President

Message from ESPRAS President

Dear Colleagues,

The executive committee of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery is pleased to invite you to attend the 14th ESPRAS Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery to be held from 5-7 October 2022 in Porto/Gaia, Portugal.

The history of ESPRAS congresses is a long one going back to 1969 when the first ESPRAS Congress was held in Brighton, UK. Since then, the ESPRAS congress was organised every four years in different parts of Europe. The last one was held in 2018 in Limassol, Cyprus.

Since than the world has been affected by a global pandemic which has a profound effect on all aspects of life as well as on plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and surgeons. During periods with a high number of cases in European countries we have seen both a reduction in available facilities and elective procedures. The performed procedures were limited to emergencies, tumour surgery and burns while our colleagues and plastic surgery staff actively participated in treating Patients suffering from Covid 19. 

Social limitations imposed by the SARS CoV -2 virus forced us to quickly adapt to the new circumstances using telemedicine for patient consultation, student and trainee education, continued medical education, as well as continuing exchange of idea amongst ourselves. Most of the meetings in Europe during this period were either postponed, held online or using hybrid solutions when the situation allowed.

We hope that the ESPRAS Congress in Porto/Gaia, Portugal will be an opportunity to finally meet again in person, listen to high quality presentations, round tables and panels and participate in discussions. ESPRAS has the vision of bringing together all European societies that represent areas from our curriculum during this Congress and in the future. We also want to fully integrate European plastic surgery with plastic surgeons from all over the world once again, so we have invited ICOPLAST and individual plastic surgeons from a significant number of countries to join us in this endeavour.

We hope that the Congress will be a place to meet old friends, mend broken ties, and make new friendships between participants which will include plastic surgeons of all ages and levels of expertise, from professors to trainees and will be a place where seeds will be sown for a bright future of our speciality in Europe and all around the world.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful historic city of Porto/Gaia, with its historical buildings, extraordinary food and wine will be an additional inspiration to us all.

Prof. Rado Žic, MD PhD

President ESPRAS

Message from Chairman of the Board of Directors of the S. João Hospital University Center 

Dear Colleagues,

Gaia Plastic Reconstructive Craniomaxilofacial Hand and Microsurgical Unit should be congratulated for organizing this remarkable european summit. I emphasize the excellence of the program and the speakers.
It is a unique gathering that greatly honors the country and the national, european and global Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery. 
The ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress 2022 held in Porto Gaia, Portugal at 5th, 6th, 7th October signifies knowledge, continuous medical education, reshearch, innovation and teaching in PRAS which also demonstrates the relevance of the Portuguese Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery and the scientific and technical expertise of our professionals.

Prof. Fernando Manuel Ferreira Araújo, MD PhD

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto

Message from Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaia/Espinho Hospital Center

Dear Colleagues,

Gaia/Espinho Hospital Centre is a national reference regarding differentiated and specialized health cares. It directly serves around 350.000 residents, but it receives patients from all country north Vouga River, covering about 700.000 people. Considering high differentiated and specialized medical specialties, it covers up to 1.200.000 individuals. Nowadays, Gaia Hospital is one of the main health complex in the country and one of the few national structures capable of responding to all health care demands.

The Plastic Reconstructive Craniomaxillofacial Hand and Microsurgery Unit was created in 1999. Currently, it represents a leading structure regarding human relationships, patient care, research, translational scientific knowledge and postgraduate training. EBOPRAS granted this Unit’s European Accreditation in 2004 and 2015.

Professor Horácio Costa is one of our most iconic and historic leaders. This meeting is his dream coming true and is being planned carefully in every single detail. 

Therefore, I am highly proud to welcome this scientific gathering of outmost importance, the ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress 2022.

Furthermore, I strongly recommend visiting Gaia and Oporto cities, as well as all the country’s northern region. You will surely experience very enjoyable moments.

Dr. Rui Guimarães

Senior Consultant in Anesthesiology 

Message from Medical Ethics Head of Medical School of Porto University 

Dear Colleagues,
The ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress 2022 will be held in Porto Gaia at 5th, 6th, and 7th October 2022. It is a major international event promoted by the Gaia Plastic Reconstructive Craniomaxilofacial Hand and Microsurgical Unit.
This scientific event is devoted to knowledge diffusion, and the promotion of continuous medical education, research, innovation, and teaching in a fundamental medical area, such as plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery.
Prestigious specialists from all over the world will be present at this conference so that the evolution of scientific knowledge is shared by the medical community, thus fulfilling basic criteria of justice in global access to the most modern surgical techniques.  
And Portugal is very proud to receive all participants in such lovely cities as Porto and Gaia, cities that I am sure will do their best to please all that visit them.

Prof. Rui Nunes, MD PhD

Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto